I am trying to send the server's IP (in this case, my computers public IP) to another server in a HTTPS request to get access to their API. I have completed the server authentication and I have my bearer token. I am using an Express and NPM for server side programming. I am getting my IP address as follows:
var ipAddress;
publicIp.v4().then(ip => {
ipAddress = ip;
I am making my request as follows.
//Set the request Method:
method: 'POST',
//Set the headers:
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': "bearer "+ token, //Bearer Token
'X-Originating-Ip': ipAddress //IP Address
//Set the URL:
url: 'end point url here',
//Set the request body:
body: JSON.stringify( 'request body here'
}, function(error, response, body){
//Alert the response body:
I am getting a 401 error. I have done research and I believe its something to do with sending the IP address. Am I sending it correctly in the header?
The problem was simple. There is an issue in the Authorisation section of the request header. The line that reads:
'Authorization': "bearer "+ token, //Bearer Token
Should be changed to:
'Authorization': "Bearer "+ token, //Bearer Token
header is case sensitive. It needs to be capital otherwise you will be denied access.