I found fit_generator()
would run few steps more than it should.
I set steps_per_epoch=100
. i and k both start from 0. But at the end of training process, it will print out k = 109
. This situation only occurs when validation data are added.
def data_generate(xfd, yfd, x_line_offset, y_line_offset):
while True:
k = 0
x_line_offset, y_line_offset = shuffle_list(x_line_offset, y_line_offset)
for i in range(100):
print('i = {}'.format(i))
print('k = {}'.format(k))
k += 1
x_train = get_line_by_offset(xfd, x_line_offset[i])
x_train = rescaling(x_train, 0, 65535, 0, 1)
y_train = get_line_by_offset(yfd, y_line_offset[i])
yield x_train, y_train
train_generator = data_generate(xfd_train, yfd_train, x_train_line_offset, y_train_line_offset)
validation_generator = data_generate(xfd_valid, yfd_valid, x_valid_line_offset, y_valid_line_offset)
model.fit_generator(train_generator, steps_per_epoch=100,
validation_steps=len(fix_y_valid_line_offset), epochs=1)
Since it will print out k = 109
, I assume it runs few more steps. I don't know if it's bug or not. But the keras log message doesn't show after k = 99
No bugs here, it's just some implementation details. The function fit_generator()
has a default argument max_queue_size=10
. The batches from train_generator
and validation_generator
will be inserted into queues before getting used to fit/evaluate the model.
When the first epoch ends, there are 100 batches generated (k = 99
). However, the generator will continue to generate 10 batches to fill up the queue. That's why you're seeing k = 100
to k = 109
. At the same time, the validation process begins, so you'll also see k = 0, ...
coming from the validation_generator