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Removing quotation marks while writing CSV files PHP

My original csv file was like this:

(ID, Country_code, Country, Address, Name, Age, Gender(1 or 0))
001, 1000, "America", "Washington DC", "(Mark", 25, 1
002, 1000, "America", "Washington DC", "Joe", 25, 1
003, 1000, "America, Washington DC", "Chantler)", 25, 1
004, 1001, "Japan", "Tokyo", "(Tanaka", 26, 0
005, 1001, "Japan", "Tokyo", "Satou)", 26, 0

After the coding my csv become like this:

(ID, Country_code, Country, Address, Name, Age, Gender)

001, 1000, America, Washington DC, (Mark,Joe,Chantler), 25, "1
002, 1001, Japan, Tokyo, (Tanaka, Satou), 26, "0

It automatically includes quotation mark on age and creates the unnecessary line and the quotation mark for the age category.

How could I fix this?

Below is my code (please ignore japanese language comments):

$nl = "\n"; //New line
$t = "\t"; //Tab space
$line = array(); //Multidimensional array
$result = array(); //Joint multidimensional array
$num = 0; 
$num1 = 0; 
$output = array(); //Array convert from multidimension array to single array
$output1 = array(); //Array merge of temp2 and test array


foreach($ar_1 as $ar1)
        $line[] = explode(',', $array);

    while($j == 0)
        $result[$num][$j] = $line[$i][$j]; 
    while($j == 1)
        $result[$num][$j] = $line[$i][$j]; 
    while($j == 2)
        $line[$i][$j] = str_replace(" ","", $line[$i][$j]); //データ値に空きスペースの削除
        $line[$i][$j] = str_replace('"','', $line[$i][$j]); //データ値に' " 'の削除
        $result[$num][$j] = $line[$i][$j];
    while($j == 3)
        $line[$i][$j] = str_replace(" ","", $line[$i][$j]); //データ値に空きスペースの削除
        $line[$i][$j] = str_replace('"','', $line[$i][$j]); //データ値に' " 'の削除
        $result[$num][$j] = $line[$i][$j]; 
    while($j == 4)
        $line[$i][$j] = str_replace(" ","", $line[$i][$j]); //データ値に空きスペースの削除
        $line[$i][$j] = str_replace('"','', $line[$i][$j]); //データ値に' " 'の削除
        $line[$i+1][$j] = str_replace(" ","", $line[$i+1][$j]); //データ値に空きスペースの削除
        $line[$i+1][$j] = str_replace('"','', $line[$i+1][$j]); //データ値に' " 'の削除
        $result[$num][$j] = $line[$i][$j].$line[$i+1][$j];
    while($j == 5)
        $result[$num][$j] = $line[$i][$j]; 
    while($j == 6)
        $result[$num][$j] = $line[$i][$j]; 

function hensyu($v)
    return implode(',', $v);

$output = array_map("hensyu", $result);

$f_3 = fopen("output.csv") or die ("Unable to open file");
foreach($output as $array)
    fputcsv($f_3, explode(',',$array));


  • I tried to run your script . It showed some php errors and warning , which I have fixed.

    $nl = "\n"; //New line
    $t = "\t"; //Tab space
    $line = array(); //Multidimensional array
    $result = array(); //Joint multidimensional array
    $num = 0; 
    $num1 = 0; 
    $output = array(); //Array convert from multidimension array to single array
    $output1 = array(); //Array merge of temp2 and test array
    foreach($ar_1 as $ar1)
        $line[] = explode(',', $ar1);
        while($j == 0)
            $result[$num][$j] = $line[$i][$j]; 
        while($j == 1)
            $result[$num][$j] = $line[$i][$j]; 
        while($j == 2)
            $line[$i][$j] = str_replace(" ","", $line[$i][$j]); //データ値に空きスペースの削除
            $line[$i][$j] = str_replace('"','', $line[$i][$j]); //データ値に' " 'の削除
            $result[$num][$j] = $line[$i][$j];
        while($j == 3)
            $line[$i][$j] = str_replace(" ","", $line[$i][$j]); //データ値に空きスペースの削除
            $line[$i][$j] = str_replace('"','', $line[$i][$j]); //データ値に' " 'の削除
            $result[$num][$j] = $line[$i][$j]; 
        while($j == 4)
            $line[$i][$j] = str_replace(" ","", $line[$i][$j]); //データ値に空きスペースの削除
            $line[$i][$j] = str_replace('"','', $line[$i][$j]); //データ値に' " 'の削除
            $line[$i+1][$j] = str_replace(" ","", $line[$i+1][$j]); //データ値に空きスペースの削除
            $line[$i+1][$j] = str_replace('"','', $line[$i+1][$j]); //データ値に' " 'の削除
            $result[$num][$j] = $line[$i][$j].$line[$i+1][$j];
        while($j == 5)
            $result[$num][$j] = $line[$i][$j]; 
        while($j == 6)
            $result[$num][$j] = $line[$i][$j]; 
    function hensyu($v)
        return implode(',', $v);
    $output = array_map("hensyu", $result);
    $f_3 = fopen("output.csv",'a+') or die ("Unable to open file");
    foreach($output as $array)
        fputcsv($f_3, explode(',',$array));

    And after this , the output it is giving is -

    (ID," Country_code",Country,Address,Name(Mark," Age"," Gender(1 or 0))"

    If this output is not correct , Let me know the output you expect.