I'm trying to config a connection with SQLBase with odbc driver on Windows and I never did that, but I'm getting the error:
Connection failed with SQL State: "HY092"
I'm using the Windows ODBC Administrator to try add the connection. In the field "Config Filename (INI)" of the configuration screen I put: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Centura\sql.ini"
and I add "C:\Program Files (x86)\Centura\"
to the PATH system variable.
In the application (.NET) I'm getting the message:
ERROR [HY092] [Gupta][ODBC Driver]Invalid attribute/option identifier
My sql.ini file has the content:
Anyone could help me? Thank you.
Good to see you are using SQLBase . Awesome. Two important settings to get right.
1) Make sure you are using the correct ODBC administrator I'm guessing 32 bit in %systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64\odbcad32.exe. If not , use the 64bit one in %systemdrive%\Windows\System32\odbcad32.exe. Under System DSN tab Add the correct driver for the database. Either 'Centura SQLBase 3.6 32bit Driver' or the 'Gupta SQLBase 12.x' driver if you are running SQLBase 12. Under the Configure Tab, specify the Data Source Name that you will use in your sql.ini. THEY MUST MATCH.
2)a. Make sure you only ever have 1 sql.ini on the client. Ever. 2)b. sql.ini needs the ODBC driver specified in the client section:
remotedbname=[dB Name specified in ODBC] ,
DSN=[Data Source Name specified in ODBC]
(without the square brackets eg. remotedbname=MyDatabase,DSN=MyDatasetName whatever names you have specified in ODBC admin.)