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How to run a web request using default credentials in Powershell

I am working on the following code.

$HTTP_Request =[System.Net.WebRequest]::Create('')
$HTTP_Response = $HTTP_Request.GetResponse()
$HTTP_Status = [int]$HTTP_Response.StatusCode
echo $HTTP_Status

But I want to run it using my default credentials, because there are few URLs which returns 401 ,that is client not authorized and for that I need it to run using my default credentials.

Can anyone help me regarding same, as I want to store the status of some URLs and this code is working fine except for those which are protected.


  • So the question was to run web request while using default credentials, here are the solutions I found:

    for powershell 2.0:-

     $req = [system.Net.WebRequest]::Create($uri)
     $req.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
     $res = $req.GetResponse()
     catch [System.Net.WebException]
     $res = $_.Exception.Response
     $int = [int]$res.StatusCode
     echo $int

    For Powershell 3.0:-

    $res = Invoke-WebRequest $uri -UseDefaultCredentials 
    catch [System.Net.WebException]
    $res = $_.Exception.Response
    $int = [int]$res.StatusCode 
    echo $int

    Both scripts are extremely doing well but if you want to find code status of many URLs, then you should go for powershell 3.0 , it handles web-requests in a much better way.