I want to multiple-select some element on the webview, therefore I would need to use perform(withKeyModifer:block:) function of XCUIElement, can any one give an example on how to use this function? I'm new to swift so please elaborate the code, thanks in advance!
You use the method to perform some code while a modifier key is down. You specify the modifier key and pass in a block of code to execute while the key modifier is down. You can use trailing closure syntax for this like so:
let app = XCUIApplication()
// elements you want to select
let element1 = app.cells.element(boundBy: 0)
let element2 = app.cells.element(boundBy: 1)
let elementsToSelect = [element1, element2]
XCUIElement.perform(withKeyModifiers: XCUIElement.KeyModifierFlags.command) {
// code in this block executes while the command key is down
// select each element
elementsToSelect.forEach({ $0.tap() })
If you are testing a desktop app, you should use click()
instead of tap()
Use whichever modifier key you need from the list here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xctest/xcuielement.keymodifierflags