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Angular - kendo-grid-column - Bind html data

Can I directly bind a pre formatted value to a kendo grid column? The data contains html tags and I want the column to render the data with formatting and not treat the tags as text. I could use ng-template to achieve the desire output but for that I will need to parse the whole data, store it into different keys and use them to format in the .html file. Is there anyway I could make kendo render the html inside the column?


  • You can render the HTML using a wrapper element within the cell template, and bind its innerHtml property to the data item field, containing the HTML you would like to render, e.g.:

    <kendo-grid-column field="htmlField">
                  <ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem>
                    <div [innerHtml]="dataItem.htmlField"></div>


            "ProductID": 1,
            "ProductName": "Chai",
            "SupplierID": 1,
            "CategoryID": 1,
            "QuantityPerUnit": "10 boxes x 20 bags",
            "UnitPrice": 18,
            "UnitsInStock": 39,
            "UnitsOnOrder": 0,
            "ReorderLevel": 10,
            "Discontinued": false,
            "Category": {
                "CategoryID": 1,
                "CategoryName": "Beverages",
                "Description": "Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales"
            "FirstOrderedOn": new Date(1996, 8, 20),
            "htmlField": "<h1>RENDERED HTML</h1>"