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Thread Safety: Two threads accessing distinct NSMutableDictionary entries

I have two threads: Thread 1 sets a key-value-pair in a NSMutableDictionary and reads that value later and thread 2 does the same thing with another key-value-pair. The keys are different and each thread only reads the key-value-pair that it set. However, either thread can read while the other one writes.

So my question is whether I need to protect the NSMutableDictionary if two threads are accessing DIFFERENT entries of the same NSMutableDictionary at the same time? (Is the entire NSMutableDictionary "claimed" by a thread or are the operations on individual entries independent?)


  • You can't change/mutate a container object like a dictionary while also reading or writing to it from another thread.

    Setting key/value pairs on a dictionary is mutating the dictionary. Each key/value pair is not an independent entity.

    You must protect the dictionary or you may crash or have other undesired behavior. One simple way to do that from Objective-C is to use the @synchronized directive, and use the dictionary itself as the object passed to the directive:

    @synchronized(myDict) {
       valueFromDict = myDict[@"someKey"];

    And from another thread:

    @synchronized(myDict) {
       myDict[@"someOtherKey"] = someValue;