I have a store Object (React-Redux App using connect to interact with my JAVA API) called parameters.
this object is updated in another component when I update inputs tick boxes ect...
In my new Component I have a "Save as Template" button which sends this Object after some processing as a Json to my API.
I'd like to now CATCH changes to this Object (parameters) within my new component with any odd function.
So that I may run a series of "if" tests on it, see if some inputs are missing and hide or grey out the "Save as template" button correspondingly.
Is that possible?
componentDidMount() {
componentWillReceiveProps() {
don't seem to be of much help.
Yea this is a pattern I've had to use a few times, and I used lodash.isEqual to handle it.
import { isEqual as _isEqual } from "lodash"
Say you have a parameters object in you store and you're watching it in your component in mapStateToProps for example (or however else you're getting access to it):
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
parameters: state.someApp.parameters,
You can then check if anything has changed in your componentWillReceiveProps:
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if(!_isEqual(this.props.parameters, nextProps.parameters)) {