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Laravel groupBy not working properly

I want to make one group by depend on my custom condition.But I am not sure my way is right or not.

My code

$cderList = $cderListQuery->groupBy('cder_id')
    ->groupBy(function ($query) {
        if(!is_null($this->hp) || !is_null($this->hp))

    ->orderBy('introduced', 'DESC')

Error Details

strtolower() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given
in Grammar.php (line 58)

at HandleExceptions->handleError(2, 'strtolower() 
expects parameter 1 to be string, object given', 
58, array('value' => object(Closure), 'prefixAlias' => false))


  • Use the when Conditional clause (From laravel documentation) I guess what you want to do is order by 'Value_Float' only when a condition is true

    //Set the condition here
    $condition = !is_null($this->hp) || !is_null($this->hp);
    $cderList = $cderListQuery->groupBy('cder_id')
        ->when($condition, function($query){
            //This segment will only run if condition is true
            return $query->groupBy('Value_Float');
        ->orderBy('introduced', 'DESC')