I just finished my installation of Adobe Flash Builder 4. I've definitely installed the most recent flash player from Adobe's website onto my computer. Also, in the run configurations of flash builder 4, I changed the source path from the .html file to the .swf file that is generated. I don't need to test it in a web browser, I just want to run the swf in flash player.
I only have 1 .as file in my actionscript project and there is no code written in it other than the package, class and main function statements. When I run the .html file, it runs fine, and debugs fine. However, when I switch the source path to the .swf file, it runs fine but doesn't debug!
When I debug it, the progress gets stuck at 57% and it says "Waiting for Adobe Flash Player to connect to debugger..." in the "Progress" tab. After a few minutes a window pops up that says:
"Failed to connect. The session has timed out. Ensure that you have run the application with debugging on and that I have the debugger version of flash player."
What can I do to fix this? I am on an intel Mac running OS 10.6.5.
You say you installed the most recent Flash Player, but you don't say if you by that mean the debug player. The "Flash Player 10.1 Plugin content debugger" and "Flash Player 10.1 Projector content debugger" can be downloader at http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html