I want to start contributing to angular, I have an idea for a feature, I want the template compiler to issue a warning if a template contains two template variables of the same name. I think I managed to get close to the source files responsible: https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/packages/compiler/src/view_compiler/view_compiler.ts but couldn't quite find the spot, understandably. Is there anyone here who can guide me ?
You need to look into the _assertNoReferenceDuplicationOnTemplate method:
_assertNoReferenceDuplicationOnTemplate(result: TemplateAst[], errors): void {
const existingReferences: string[] = [];
result.filter(element => !!(<any>element).references)
.forEach(element => (<any>element).references.forEach((reference: ReferenceAst) => {
const name = reference.name;
if (existingReferences.indexOf(name) < 0) {
} else {
const error = new TemplateParseError(
`Reference "#${name}" is defined several times`, reference.sourceSpan,
Angular compiler creates AST with one node type being ElementAST which has references
export class ElementAst implements TemplateAst {
public name: string,
public references: ReferenceAst[],
And this is the property that is checked in the _assertNoReferenceDuplicationOnTemplate
function and if found the error is generated.