I wanted to add a slash to a redirect URL because the target (Wordpress) also redirects if the url does not end with a slash. This would result in two redirects.
My current config doesn't seem to work
server {
listen 80;
server_name old.domain.com;
location ~ ^(.*)[/]$ {
return 302 https://new.domain.com/$request_uri;
location ~ ^(.*)[^/]$ {
return 302 https://new.domain.com/$request_uri/;
Try to put url with '/' before without '/', might it matching with first without slash and redirecting it
Try this
server {
listen 80;
server_name old.domain.com;
location ~ ^(.*)[/]$ {
return 302 https://new.domain.com/$request_uri/;
location ~ ^(.*)[^/]$ {
return 302 https://new.domain.com/$request_uri;