How can I configure routing in ASP.NET Web API to route it to specific method in controller with GET method?
Registration in WebAPiConfig looks like this:
name: "HealthCheck",
routeTemplate: "healthcheck",
defaults: new { action =" DefaultAction" }
The controller looks like this:
public class HealthCheckController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage GetHealthCheckStatus()
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
I get Not Found instead of Ok when hitting that URL. Any help would be appreciated
UPDATE Thank you for all the suggestions, I checked them all and none works. The route debugger shows no matches. I am putting this on hold for a while.
In your Startup.cs
register attribute routes:
And in the controller:
public class HealthCheckController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult GetHealthCheckStatus()
return Ok();