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cron job in node js running multiple times

I am running a cron job using the module node-cron for node js . My code is below.

var Job = new CronJob({

cronTime: '* * 01 * * *', //Execute at 1 am every day

onTick  : function() {

    co(function*() {

        yield insertToDatabase(); //this is the function that does insert operation

    }).catch(ex => {



start   : false,

timeZone: 'Asia/Kolkata'

I need to execute this only one time but this cronjob once starts runs multiple times due to which same data gets inserted to my database. I only need to run this job only one time. What should i do.


  • You can call Job.stop() from onTick:

    onTick : function() {
      co(function*() {
        yield insertToDatabase();
      }).catch(ex => {