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Setting MIX_ENV in Heroku for Phoenix Framework

I've instantiated two Heroku apps successfully: my-app-prod and my-app-test. There are specific environment variables I've configured in the Heroku app settings. I am using the standard configuration files in Phoenix: config.exs, test.exs, prod.exs, dev.exs.

After configuring my-app-test in Heroku with the app variable MIX_ENV=test, it is still loading variables from prod.exs.

Are there any additional steps I'm missing so that my app uses test.exs?

I followed all the instructions here:

When I run git push, I can verify it's using prod.exs based on the following output.

remote: Generated my_phoenix_app_name app
remote: -----> Creating .profile.d with env vars
remote: -----> Writing export for multi-buildpack support
remote: -----> Executing post compile: pwd
remote: /tmp/build_f5b9e6e5890fcb58b9689f433c554c6a
remote: -----> Phoenix app detected
remote: -----> Loading configuration and environment
remote:        Loading config...
remote:        Detecting assets directory
remote:        * package.json found in custom directory
remote:        Will use phoenix configuration:
remote:        * assets path .
remote:        * mix tasks namespace phoenix
remote:        Will use the following versions:
remote:        * Node 5.3.0
remote:        Will export the following config vars:
remote: CLIENT_ID
remote: POOL_SIZE
remote:        * MIX_ENV=prod


  • Buildpack for Elixir is setting MIX_ENV to prod by default, so you don't actually need this setting in your Procfile. You can change it simply to:

    web: mix phoenix.server

    On my-app-prod you don't have to do anything. On my-app-test just set MIX_ENV to test. You can use command line

    heroku config:set MIX_ENV=test --app my-app-test

    If it does not work, try to redeploy your apps to Heroku.