I have microseconds that I want to essentially truncate from a pandas column. I tried something like analyze_me['how_long_it_took_to_order'] = analyze_me['how_long_it_took_to_order'].apply(lambda x: x.replace(microsecond=0)
but to this error came up replace() takes no keyword arguments
For example: I want 00:19:58.582052 to become 00:19:58 or 00:19:58.58
your how_long_it_took_to_order
column seems to be of string (object
) dtype.
So try this:
analyze_me['how_long_it_took_to_order'] = \
analyze_me['how_long_it_took_to_order'] = \
analyze_me['how_long_it_took_to_order'].str.replace('(\.\d{2})\d+', r'\1')
for "centiseconds", like: 00:19:58.58