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How to make an (moving) ellipse clickable? Processing

So I started learning processing since a week ago and I'm trying to get a moving ellipse clickable. I followed the processing API, but I can't figure it out. I removed all the code relating to the clickable ellipse because it was a mess.

In the section where I declare all my vars you can see me using:

int breedte = 600;
int hoogte = 600;

These are suppose to be:

int breedte = width;
int hoogte = height;

But for some reason the width and height don't output the width and height declared in:


So what I'm asking is:

  1. How can I make the (moving) ellipse clickable?

  2. Why I can't use width and height on 'int hoogte' and 'int breedte'?

Thanks in advace.

Main file:

int x = 0;
int leftSide = 0;
int rightSide = width;
int bottomSide = height;

int totalHits = 0;
int totalMiss = 0;

boolean start = false;

int circelSize = 100;
int circelRings = 24;
int circelSpeed = 1;
int circelPositionY = 0;

int breedte = 600;
int hoogte = 600;

String[] buttonText = {"Start","Stop"};
String buttonTextActive = buttonText[0];
int[] buttonColor = {0,90};
int buttonColorActive = buttonColor[0];
int buttonHighlight = 50;
int buttonSize = 80;  
int buttonY = breedte - (buttonSize /2);
int buttonX = hoogte / 2 - 40;

void setup() {
  size(600, 600);

void draw() {
  if (start) {
    circelPositionY = circelPositionY + circelSpeed;
    if (circelPositionY == (width + circelSize)) {
      circelPositionY = 0;

Events file:

void mousePressed() {
  // Start or Stop button
  if(mouseX > buttonX & mouseX < buttonX  + buttonSize & mouseY > buttonY & mouseY < buttonY + (buttonSize / 2)){
    if(start) {
      start = false;
      buttonColorActive = buttonColor[0];
      buttonTextActive = buttonText[0];
      println("Game stoped");
    } else {
      start = true;
      buttonColorActive = buttonColor[1];
      buttonTextActive = buttonText[1];
      println("Game started");

Functions file:

void drawCircel(int circelPositionY) {
  for (int i = 0; i < circelRings; i = i+1) {
    int even = i % 2;
    if (even == 0) {
      ellipse(-(circelSize / 2) + circelPositionY, height / 2 - (circelSize / 2), circelSize - (i * (circelSize / circelRings)), circelSize - (i * (circelSize / circelRings)));
    } else {
      ellipse(-(circelSize / 2) + circelPositionY, height / 2 - (circelSize / 2), circelSize - (i * (circelSize / circelRings)), circelSize - (i * (circelSize / circelRings)));

void drawButton() {
  rect(buttonX,buttonY, buttonSize, buttonSize / 2);
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  text(buttonTextActive, buttonX + (buttonSize / 2),buttonY + (buttonSize / 4));


  • In the future, please try to post a MCVE instead of a bunch of disconnected snippets or your whole project. Also please only ask one question per post.

    To make your circle clickable, you're going to have to write code that checks whether the circle is being clicked. That's actually two separate checks. First you have to detect when the mouse is pressed. One way to do that is by defining a mousePressed() function:

    void mousePressed(){
      // mouse is pressed

    Then you have to check whether the mouse is currently inside the circle. You can use the dist() function for that: if the distance between the mouse and the center of the circle is less than the radius of the circle, then the mouse is inside the circle. That might look like this:

    void mousePressed(){
      if(dist(mouseX, mouseY, circleX, circleY) < circleRadius){
        // mouse is pressed inside the circle

    Shameless self-promotion: I wrote a tutorial on collision detection in Processing, including point-circle collision, available here.

    As for why you can't use width and height at the top of your sketch, that's because code at the top of your sketch is executed before the setup() function fires, and the width and height variables aren't set until after you call size() from the setup() function. So you have to move that code to after you call size().

    If you have follow-up questions, please post an updated MCVE in a new question post, and we'll go from there. Good luck.