I am working on an Angular 4 App. I am trying to get data from a JSON file for building a user dashboard.
I created a json file and tried loading it using JSON server using this: $ json-server --watch user.json
and I am getting the following error:
Type of "id" (number) in user.json is not supported. Use objects or arrays of objects..
When I remove the "id" field in the file, I get the same error with "name".
I feel there is something wrong with the way I have created the json files. I am new to web development, so don't mind if it's a very fundamental mistake.
This is my json file:
"id": 1,
"name":"Kajal Agarwal",
"department":"Information Technology",
"college":"Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur",
"title":"Data Structures",
"faculty":"Prasun Ghosal",
"title":"Operating System",
"faculty":"Niharika Singh",
"faculty":"Debojit Mondal",
"title":"Web Technologies",
"faculty":"Shantanu Saurabh",
"title":"Formal Language and Automata Theory",
"faculty":"Sudhanshu Sekhar",
"title":"Digital Logic and Circuit Design",
That error tells you what to do. Use objects or arrays of objects
Id should be object or arrays of objects, same for the rest of the properties.
Maybe you should consider edit your user.json
"about" : [{
"id" : 1,
"name" : "Kajal Agarwal",
"department" : "Information Technology",
"college" : "Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur"
"subjects" : [{
"title" : "Data Structures",
"active" : true,
"faculty" : "Prasun Ghosal",
"notifications" : 4,
"color" : "#9c27b0"
}, {
"title" : "Operating System",
"active" : true,
"faculty" : "Niharika Singh",
"notifications" : 0,
"color" : "#ffc107"
}, {
"title" : "Algorithms",
"active" : true,
"faculty" : "Debojit Mondal",
"notifications" : 1,
"color" : "#009688"
}, {
"title" : "Web Technologies",
"active" : true,
"faculty" : "Shantanu Saurabh",
"notifications" : 2,
"color" : "#ff5722"
}, {
"title" : "Formal Language and Automata Theory",
"active" : true,
"faculty" : "Sudhanshu Sekhar",
"notifications" : 3,
"color" : "#03a9f4"
}, {
"title" : "Digital Logic and Circuit Design",
"active" : false,
"faculty" : "",
"notifications" : 0,
"color" : "#9e9e9e"