I am trying to write an applescript that: - opens a new window - changes directory - splits panes vertically into that same directory - writes text in the left pane - writes text in the right pane
and if possible then executes both panes simultaneously.
The closest I can get is doing similar but opening two separate windows. like so:
tell application "iTerm"
set myterm to create window with default profile
tell myterm
activate current session
launch session "Default Session"
tell the current session
write text "cd ~/Desktop"
write text "xcodebuild clean -workspace -scheme WelcomeScreenTests -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=476E9E8C-8248-4EF6-8054-67900D603E83' test | xcpretty"
end tell
end tell
set myterm to create window with default profile
tell myterm
activate current session
launch session "Default Session"
tell the current session
write text "cd ~/Desktop"
write text "xcodebuild clean -workspace -scheme WelcomeScreenTests2 -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=F3DEA448-147B-4DDB-AD83-16D18BA1A87F' test | xcpretty"
end tell
end tell
Any help would be great thanks
It's possible.
tell application "iTerm"
set myterm to create window with default profile
tell myterm
activate current session
launch session "Default Session"
tell the current session
write text "cd ~/Desktop"
-- use 'without newline' to write without executing the command
write text "xcodebuild clean -workspace -scheme WelcomeScreenTests -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=476E9E8C-8248-4EF6-8054-67900D603E83' test | xcpretty" without newline
tell (split vertically with same profile)
write text "cd ~/Desktop"
-- use 'without newline' to write without executing the command
write text "xcodebuild clean -workspace -scheme WelcomeScreenTests2 -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=F3DEA448-147B-4DDB-AD83-16D18BA1A87F' test | xcpretty" without newline
end tell
end tell
write (sessions of current tab) text linefeed -- append newline to the last line of each session to executes both panes simultaneously.
end tell
end tell