My app's window has a splitview with three panes; the leftmost pane hosts a view-based outline view.
When I click somewhere on that outline view, I want to determine the bottom-most subview in the hierarchy that was clicked. That is, which row, which cell, and ultimately which subview (control) of the cell was clicked.
I tried overriding mouseDown(with:)
on the hosting view controller, but it isn't called; I suspected the outline view somehow is hogging the event so instead I decided to override the method directly on my NSOutlineView
subclass itself. This works. However, from there I can not go any further down the hierarchy than the outline view itself:
class MyOutlineView: NSOutlineView {
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
if let view = self.window?.contentView?.hitTest(event.locationInWindow) {
MyModule. MyOutlineView
The documentation for hittest()
Returns the farthest descendant of the view in the view hierarchy (including itself) that contains a specified point, or nil if that point lies completely outside the view. This method is used primarily by an NSWindow object to determine which view should receive a mouse-down event. You’d rarely need to invoke this method, but you might want to override it to have a view object hide mouse-down events from its subviews. This method ignores hidden views.
How can I hit-test the topmost subviews of the outline view?
is called on views, not on controllers.
Usually the control inside the outline view handles the mouseDown.
But if you want to find the control, yes, -[NSTableView(NSTableViewRowHeaderSupport) hitTest:]
messes things up. Workaround: get the row and the column, get the cell view and call hitTest
on the cell view.
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
let localPoint = self.convert(event.locationInWindow, from: nil)
let column = self.column(at: localPoint)
let row = self.row(at: localPoint)
if column >= 0 && row >= 0 {
if let cellView = self.view(atColumn: column, row: row, makeIfNecessary: false) {
if let cellSuperViewPoint = cellView.superview?.convert(localPoint, from: self) {
if let view = cellView.hitTest(cellSuperViewPoint) {