I use STOMP package, and I wrote a test:
test('can subscribe and send events to mq server', () async {
StompClient client2 = await serverClient.connect(mqIp,
port: mqPort, login: login, passcode: password);
client2.sendJson('Domain changed', {'a':'b'});
StreamController controller = new StreamController();
Stream<String> stream = controller.stream.asBroadcastStream();
StompClient client1 = await serverClient.connect(mqIp,
port: mqPort, login: login, passcode: password);
client1.subscribeString("Entity changed", 'Domain changed',
(Map<String, String> headers, String message) {
}, ack: AUTO);
await for (String message in stream) {
String expectedEntity =
expect(message, equals(expectedEntity));
client1.unsubscribe("Entity changed");
}, timeout: new Timeout(new Duration(seconds: 6)));
When I run pub run test
I get Test timed out
In RabbitMQ Managment in bindings section I get: (Default exchange binding)
and zero in total messages:
Is it possible to send and recive messages in one channel?
If I use client1.subscribeString(ack: CLIENT,...)
in RabbitMQ Managment I get one message "In memory" but test still Test timed out
and I can't get message from mq.
Maybe I must set up amq.fanout exchange, but how I can do this?
Best choice for use RabbitMq with dart: mqtt package