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Laravel Echo Server can not be authenticated, got HTTP status 500

I've installed both Laravel echo server and Laravel echo client.

Following is the laravel-echo-server.json configuration.

"authHost": "",
"authEndpoint": "/broadcasting/auth",
"clients": [
        "appId": "APP_ID",
        "key": "someKey"
"database": "redis",
"databaseConfig": {
    "redis": {},
    "sqlite": {
        "databasePath": "/database/laravel-echo-server.sqlite"
"devMode": true,
"host": "",
"port": "3000",
"protocol": "http",
"socketio": {},
"sslCertPath": "",
"sslKeyPath": "",
"sslCertChainPath": "",
"sslPassphrase": ""

The following script listens for channel events. It builds fine with npm run dev.

import Echo from 'laravel-echo'
let token = document.head.querySelector('meta[name="token"]');
if (token) {
    window.axios.defaults.headers.common['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = token.content;
} else {
    console.error('CSRF token not found:');
window.Echo = new Echo({
    broadcaster: '',
    host: '',
    reconnectionAttempts: 5

            .listen('.user.checked_in', (e) => {

When trying to listen for any event on start laravel-echo-server command. It keeps throwing Client can not be authenticated, got HTTP status 500.

Note :

I really didn't find anything helpful on laravel-echo-serve nor on google.

Any help will be appreciated a lot.

Laravel V5.4



  • Just getting the issue because of CSRF token. Didn't passed the token to the echo.

    window.Echo = new Echo({
        broadcaster: '',
        host: '',
        reconnectionAttempts: 5,
        csrfToken: token.content <--