I have setted up a mongo database, which works with authentication.
I'm trying to copy a database using mongodb native driver.
The problem is my command get rejected as :
MongoError: listCollections failed: { ok: 0.0, errmsg: "not authorized on SESSION to execute command { listCollections: 1, filter: { $or: [ { type: "collection" }, { type: { $exists: false } } ] }, cu...", code: 13, codeName: "Unauthorized" }
Here is how I run my database :
/usr/bin/mongod --quiet
--setParameter authenticationMechanisms=SCRAM-SHA-1
--port 27017
--dbpath /database
Here is the user I'm using to connect
"user": "USER",
"pwd": "PASS",
"roles": [ "root" ]
I also tried using :
"user": "USER",
"pwd": "PASS",
"roles": [ { "role": "root", "db": "admin" } ]
Here is how I connect (the connection succeed) :
const url = "mongodb://USER:PASS@";
MongoClient.connect(url, ...
Here is how I request the copy :
const mongoCommand = {
copydb: 1,
fromhost: "",
fromdb: "SESSION",
// Perform the copy
this.db.admin().command(mongoCommand, function (err, data) {
I am using :
Mongodb (database) v3.4.7
Mongodb (node package) v2.2.31
Thanks :)
Some posts that get me through this :
Ok, so first of all, here is the copydb command mongodb documentation.
We can see there that in case of using fromhost
you need to specify username
and key
If you want to copy a database in the same host: Do not use of fromhost
Example :
const mongoCommand = {
copydb: 1,
fromdb: "SESSION",
If you want to copy a database using different hosts: Use of username
, nonce
and key
here is how you create them.