I have created a Plunker with my code showing the issue here:
As you can see when you click on the e.g. 'de' checkbox it toggles show/hide of the table headings - but not the <textarea>
values under the column heading, corresponding to the locale ('de' in this case), which is what I am currently trying to get working.
I cant think of a way to link the <textarea>
depending on locale.Selected
value of the checkbox. So when locale.Locale == res.LocaleID
I want to show/hide depending on the locale.Selected
<table class="table">
<th>Resource Id</th>
<th ng-repeat="locale in view.resourceGridResources.Locales" ng-show="locale.Selected">
{{locale.Locale ? locale.Locale : "invariant" }}
<tr ng-repeat="resource in view.resourceGridResources.Resources">
<td ng-repeat="res in resource.Resources">
<textarea ng-model="res.Value"
style="min-width: 300px"
//trying to get to locale.Selected here - how get index 'x'?
Trying to implment something like here - whereby user can click on the check box and it will toggle hide/show table column.
Please note: my demo plunker is just example of issue in my much larger project so I have no control over changing the json format etc.
You don't have to write any function in JS. Since the number of items in resource.Resources
is same as the number of items in view.resourceGridResources.Locales
<td ng-repeat="res in resource.Resources" ng-show="vm.resourceGridResources.Locales[$index].Selected">
<textarea ng-model="res.Value"
style="min-width: 300px"></textarea>
Working Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/Al4KdHlCV2uo9HQ2qNt7?p=preview