I have a following scenario:
case class Person(id: Int, name: String)
val json = Json.obj("id" -> 1, "name" -> "John", "address"-> "Paris", "contact" -> "1234")
Here, I want to extract extra (key,value) from json i.e {"address"-> "Paris", "contact" -> "1234"} that do not belong to Person.
I have developed following approach so far:
case class Person(id: Int, name: String)
val personReads = Json.reads[Person]
val personWrites = Json.writes[Person]
val json = Json.obj("id" -> 1, "name" -> "John", "address"-> "Paris", "contact" -> "1234")
val person: Person = personReads.reads(json).get
// This person json does not have extra fields
val personJson: JsObject = personWrites.writes(person).asInstanceOf[JsObject]
val extraKeys = json.keys.diff(personJson.keys)
val extraJson = extraKeys.foldLeft(Json.obj()){(result,key) =>
result.+(key -> json.\(key).get)}
// {"address":"Paris","contact":"1234"}
This works but here I have to do a lot of json to case class conversions. What would be the best way to extract extra (key,value) in this scenario ?
If you want to make it general for any case class and not doing anything fancy with custom Reads
, you can use reflection or shapeless to extract case class names and then remove those from an object you're trying to parse.
E.g. using reflection, this only creates a case class instance once and does not require Writes
at all:
import play.api.libs.json._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
def withExtra[A: Reads: TypeTag]: Reads[(A, JsObject)] = {
val ccFieldNames = typeOf[A].members.collect {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor => m.name.toString
for {
jsObj <- implicitly[Reads[JsObject]]
a <- implicitly[Reads[A]]
filteredObj = ccFieldNames.foldLeft(jsObj)(_ - _)
} yield (a, filteredObj)
And use it e.g. like so:
case class Person(id: Int, name: String)
case class Location(id: Int, address: String)
val json = Json.obj("id" -> 1, "name" -> "John", "address"-> "Paris", "contact" -> "1234")
implicit val pReads = Json.reads[Person]
implicit val lReads = Json.reads[Location]
assert { withExtra[Person].reads(json).get == (
Person(1, "John"),
Json.obj("address"-> "Paris", "contact" -> "1234")
) }
assert { withExtra[Location].reads(json).get == (
Location(1, "Paris"),
Json.obj("name" -> "John", "contact" -> "1234")
) }
Runnable code is available there