I have followed https://devblog.dymel.pl/2016/09/02/upload-file-image-angular2-aspnetcore/ to upload single file and its working fine.
Now I want to upload dynamic no of files based on the no of elements in an array documentTypes[]
<div *ngFor="let item of documentTypes ;let i=index">
<input #fileInput[i] type="file" #select name="document[{{i}}]" />
My TS:
@ViewChild("fileInput") fileInput: any[];
Submit function:
onSubmit = function (docs) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.documentTypes.length; i++) {
let fi = this.fileInput[i].nativeElement;
//This is not working. Here fileInput is undefined
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
decorator is only for one child. To get array of children you need to use @ViewChildren