I'm trying to make a tic tac toe game so I'm building the board where the game will be on, but I'm getting this errors:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "python", line 18, in <module>
File "python", line 10, in display
AttributeError: 'Board' object has no attribute 'cells
Can't figured out the cause of the problem
import os #try to import the clode to the operating system, use import
# first: Build the board
class Board(): #use class as a templete to create the object, in this case the board
def _init_(self):
self.cells = [' ', ' ', ' ' , ' ', ' ', ' ' , ' ', ' ', ' '] #will use self to define the method, in this case the board cells
def display(self):
print ('%s | %s | %s' %(self.cells[1] , self.cells[2] , self.cells[3]))
print ('_________')
print ('%s | %s | %s' %(self.cells[4] , self.cells[5] , self.cells[6]))
print ('_________')
print ('%s | %s | %s' %(self.cells[7] , self.cells[8] , self.cells[9]))
print ('_________')
board = Board ()
board.display ()
def _init_(self):
Needs to be
def __init__(self):
Note the double __
, otherwise it is never invoked.
As an example, take this class with an _init_
In [41]: class Foo:
...: def _init_(self):
...: print('init!')
In [42]: x = Foo()
Note that nothing is printed out. Now consider:
In [43]: class Foo:
...: def __init__(self):
...: print('init!')
In [44]: x = Foo()
The fact that something is printed means __init__
was invoked.
Note that if class does not have an __init__
method, the superclass' __init__
in this case) is invoked, which, coincidentally does nothing and instantiates no attributes.