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How to use TStream to fill a matrix of integers

I'm trying to read a PGM binary file ( to fill a 0-based 2D matrix of integers (16-bit grayscale values).

The file may be 50 megs, so I'm trying to fill a buffer in one call.

I've never done anything with Streams before, but the Google results on Delphi streams going back 20 years and are a cluttered mess in which I couldn't find my way.

I've managed to lock up Delphi (first time in 15 years!) while running some code that uses pointers and buffers (and probably is based on my misunderstanding of an antiquated approach.)

Here's my pseudo code, doing it integer by integer. Is there a way to do the read and fill of the matrix with a single Stream call? (Assuming the file was created on the same machine, so byte-sex is the same.)

      TMatrix: Array of Array of Integer;

    procedure ReadMatrix( const AFileName: String;
                          const AStartingByte: Integer;         
                          const AMaxRow: Integer;
                          const AMaxCol: Integer;
                          const AMatrix: TMatrix)
      SetLength(AMatrix, aMaxRow, aMaxCol);
      for Row := 0 to aMaxCol do
        for Col := 0 to aMaxCol do
          AMatrix[Row, Col] := ReadWord

And, no, this isn't a homework assignment! :-)


  • As already stated, you cannot read 2D dynamic array in a single operation, because its memory is non continuous. But every 1D subarray can be filled.

    I also changed array element type to 16-bit. If you really need matrix of Integer (it is 32 bit), then you have to read 16-bit data and assign elements to Integers one-by-one

          TMatrix = Array of Array of Word;  
     procedure ReadMatrix( const AFileName: String;
                              const AStartingByte: Integer;         
                              const AMaxRow: Integer;
                              const AMaxCol: Integer;
                              const AMatrix: TMatrix)
      FS: TFileStream;
      Row: Integer;   
       SetLength(AMatrix, aMaxRow, aMaxCol);
       FS := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmOpenRead);
          FS.Position := AStartingByte;
          for Row := 0 to aMaxRow - 1 do
             FS.Read(AMatrix[Row, 0], SizeOf(Word) * aMaxCol);