The Time Zone get from Date() in the script is correct, CEST (Central European Summer Time). But the time zone reported from View -> Logs menu in the script editor is PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
That happens whatever standalone scripts and spreadsheets scripts.
This is an ad-hoc example code:
var d = new Date();
[17-09-12 01:50:46:566 PDT] es
[17-09-12 01:50:46:567 PDT] Europe/Paris
[17-09-12 01:50:46:568 PDT] 12 de septiembre de 2017 10:50:46 CEST
The Time Zone of the system is CEST. The Time Zone in Google Calendar and GMail of the google account is CEST too.
Any explanation?
Related but not the same issue that theese questions:
The log & the execution transcript seem to use US/PDT, which would be consistent with Google's home time-zone. However, if you export the logs the times are rendered in the script time-zone. Here's an example from a script that emails me an execution log.
Logs from Script Editor View
[17-09-12 18:28:40:915 PDT] Export file created: '[redacted].csv' (id: [redacted])
[17-09-12 18:28:43:274 PDT] Archive file created: '[redacted] - 20170913112841+1000 - export.csv' (id: [redacted])
...etc, etc.
Same section of the log from the emailed transcript:
Wed Sep 13 11:28:40 AEST 2017 INFO: Export file created: '[redacted].csv' (id: [redacted])
Wed Sep 13 11:28:43 AEST 2017 INFO: Archive file created: '[redacted] - 20170913112841+1000 - export.csv' (id: [redacted])
...etc, etc.
Annoyingly, while the exported logs are in the correct tz, they're in that non-ISO format Google so likes to foist on us.