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How to store a networkx graph for visualizing in Gephi?

I am working on a pagerank algorithm using Networkx module in Python. I have a dictionary of lists, where key of the dictionary is the Title of the page and its value is all the Titles referenced through that page.

So in order to create a visualization, I first did this:

G = nx.DiGraph()
G = nx.from_dict_of_lists(ref_dict)

where ref_dict is the dictionary mentioned above.

After creating the graph, I am using Networkx's write_edgelist function to store the Graph in the csv format.


Herein lies my problem. The csv file is storing edges as:

node1 node2 {} node1 node3 {}

When I am using this file directly in Gephi, it treats the {} as a node and shows visualization accordingly. So what should be the best format to store the networkx graph to visualize it?


  • Use write_gexf function like: nx.write_gexf(G, "test.gexf"), and open the file using Gephi, then you'll see it.
