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eclipse - enable C syntax highlighting but do not treat it as a C-file

I would like to view preprocessed output files in Eclipse with C/C++ syntax highlighting.

So, I configured Eclipse to treat my .pp files like .c files : eclipse - how to treat file extension as C-file.

But my problem now is when I do Open Declaration on a symbol, Eclipse includes the .pp files in the search that I told it were C/C++ files which I do NOT want.

How do I tell Eclipse to apply C/C++ syntax highlighting to files .pp but to NOT treat them as actual C/C++ files?


  • You need to keep the file type association for semantic highlighting and other C/C++ editor features to work.

    However, you can exclude the file from consideration for navigation actions like Open Declaration, by checking "Exclude resource from build" in the file's Properties | C/C++ Build.