Search code examples

Combining two functions 1]Bubble Sort 2]Binary Search

I have an assingment. the assingment says to write two functions in python that will:

  1. Sort the the list using bubble Sort
  2. Take numerical input from the user and search the previously sorted list for that number.

My first function - sort - can sort. However, my second function is not performing a binary search correctly. My end goal is to combine the two functions.

Here is my current code:

Bubble Sort

def sort(x):
        for j in range(len(x)):
            for i in range (len(x)-1):
                if x[i]> x[i+1]:
                    temp =x[i]
        return x

    sl = sort([87,56,34,23,89,15,2,200,28,31])
    print (sl)         

Binary Search

def bs(t):

    s = 0 
    e = len(t)-1
    found = False
    c = int(input("Enter"))
    while (s<=e):
        mid = (s+e)//2
        if t[mid]==c:
            found = True
        elif c > t[mid]:
            s = mid+1
            e = mid-1
    return found


  • The problem is in your while loop. In case item is found s or e not increment/decrement and loop becomes infinite.

    You should add break statement or split if conditions:

    def bs(t):
        t = sort(t)
        s = 0 
        e = len(t)-1
        found = False
        c = int(input("Enter"))
        while (s<=e):
            mid = (s+e)//2
            if t[mid]==c:
                found = True
            elif c > t[mid]:
                s = mid+1
                e = mid-1
        return found


    def bs(t):
        t = sort(t)
        s = 0 
        e = len(t)-1
        found = False
        c = int(input("Enter"))
        while (s<=e):
            mid = (s+e)//2
            if t[mid]==c:
                found = True
            if c > t[mid]:
                s = mid+1
                e = mid-1
        return found

    combined function ( sort + bs ):

    def binary_search(x):
    for j in range(len(x)):
        for i in range(len(x) - 1):
            if x[i] > x[i + 1]:
                temp = x[i]
                x[i] = x[i + 1]
                x[i + 1] = temp
        s = 0
        e = len(x)-1
        found = False
        c = int(input("Enter"))
        while s <= e:
            mid = (s + e)//2
            if x[mid] == c:
                found = True
            elif c > x[mid]:
                s = mid+1
                e = mid-1
        return found

    combined with some refactoring:

    def binary_search(x):
        # j is not used, so it could be replaced with underscore
        for _ in range(len(x)):
            for i in range(len(x)-1):
                if x[i] > x[i+1]:
                    # this is illustration of python awesomeness
                    x[i], x[i+1] = x[i+1], x[i]
        c = int(input("Enter"))
        while x:
            # this line is actually the same as s + e, because 
            # is always equals to list's len - 1
            mid = (len(x)-1)//2
            # instead of redefining variable - just break from loop
            if x[mid] == c:
            if c > x[mid]:
                # slice list instead of computing new start index
                x = x[mid+1:]
                # slice list instead of computing new last index
                x = x[:mid-1]
        return len(x) > 0  # true if x contains at least one el and false otherwise 
    sl = binary_search([87, 56, 34, 23, 89, 15, 2, 200, 28, 31])