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Binding to ItemsPresenter property

I have the following XAML:

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding...}" >
            <ItemsPresenter x:Name="testGrid"/>
    <!--Use the ItemsPanel property to specify a custom UniformGrid that
    holds the laid out items.-->
            <tools:UniformGridRtL Columns="8" x:Name="testGrid2" />

    <!--Use the ItemTemplate to set a DataTemplate to define
        the visualization of the data objects. This DataTemplate
        specifies that each data object appears RegisterBit appears
        as a CheckBox bound to RegisterBit properties. It also defines
        a custom template for the checkbox.-->
            <CheckBox... />

    <Binding ElementName="testGrid2" Path="property_of_UniformGridRtL"/>

Basically, I have a custom Panel (UniformGridRtL) set as an ItemsPanelTemplate, which will template the ItemsPresenter in the ItemsControl. UniformGridRtL has a property, which I would like to bind to, but ElementName doesn't seem to work in the Label Binding. How can I bind to a property of a generated ItemsControl items host?


  • The ElementName binding source doesn't work for templated items, even ItemsPanelTemplate ones which usually only have a single templated item. The problem is that because it's a template you could in theory have more than one, so WPF doesn't know which named item to bind to.

    As a work-around, try subscribing to the Loaded event of the panel (in this case <tools:UniformGridRtL Loaded="grid_Loaded" .../>), and then set the binding manually in code:

    private void grid_Loaded( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
        Binding binding = new Binding( "NameOfGridPropertyToBindTo" );
        binding.Source = sender;
        boundLabel.SetBinding( Label.ContentProperty, binding );

    The code above assumes something like <Label Name="boundLabel"/> for your Label declaration.