I have this query that populates a joborder with the notes (2 different types) that comes from the account on the job order. The problem that I'm having is that it works on most of the job orders but there are some that I'm noticing that the notes are not populating to. It seems to me that the account entity and internal notes are a one to many relationship, however I must be going about this all wrong. I also have below the FetchXML that I modeled my query from.
private void PopulateInternalNotes()
EntityReference accountId = _Entity.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("hc_account");
EntityReference buisnessId = _Entity.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("hc_businessunit");
if(accountId == null || buisnessId ==null)
_tracer.Trace("buisness unit: " + buisnessId);
//to get internal description
QueryExpression exp = new QueryExpression("hc_internalnote");
exp.Criteria.AddCondition("hc_internalnotetype", ConditionOperator.Equal, 948050000); // internal description option
exp.Criteria.AddCondition("hc_account", ConditionOperator.Equal, accountId.Id);// matches account on joborder
exp.Criteria.AddCondition("hc_businessunit", ConditionOperator.Equal, buisnessId.Id);//matches buisnessunit on joborder
exp.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("hc_note");
EntityCollection results = _service.RetrieveMultiple(exp);
if (results.Entities.Count == 1)
foreach (Entity r in results.Entities)
_tracer.Trace("one internal desc found");
_Entity["hc_internaldescription"] = r.GetAttributeValue<string>("hc_note");
_tracer.Trace("no internal desc found");
//to get submission process note
QueryExpression sub = new QueryExpression("hc_internalnote");
sub.Criteria.AddCondition("hc_internalnotetype", ConditionOperator.Equal, 948050002); // submission process option
sub.Criteria.AddCondition("hc_account", ConditionOperator.Equal, accountId.Id);// matches account on joborder
sub.Criteria.AddCondition("hc_businessunit", ConditionOperator.Equal, buisnessId.Id);//matches buisnessunit on joborder
sub.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("hc_note");
EntityCollection Subresults = _service.RetrieveMultiple(sub);
if (Subresults.Entities.Count == 1)
foreach (Entity s in Subresults.Entities)
_tracer.Trace("one submission desc found");
_Entity["hc_submissionprocessnotes"] = s.GetAttributeValue<string>("hc_note");
_tracer.Trace("more than one submission note found");
FetchXML below
<fetch distinct="false" mapping="logical" output-format="xml-platform" version="1.0">
<entity name="hc_internalnote">
<attribute name="createdon"/>
<attribute name="statecode"/>
<attribute name="ownerid"/>
<attribute name="hc_note"/>
<attribute name="modifiedon"/>
<attribute name="modifiedby"/>
<attribute name="hc_internalnotetype"/>
<attribute name="createdby"/>
<attribute name="hc_contract"/>
<attribute name="hc_businessunit"/>
<attribute name="hc_account"/>
<attribute name="hc_internalnoteid"/>
<order descending="false" attribute="createdon"/>
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="hc_account" value="{B1F13E37-2D34-E411-9518-005056010301}" uitype="account" uiname="Community Memorial Hospital (050394)" operator="eq"/>
From comments:
Seems to be working. The problem was with old records which were migrated during our plugins were off, hence they are not populating.