I have a choice field (drop-down) which I want to validate against a DB table.
Essentially, if the value is in the query's results, it's valid.
It's not so clear to me how the callback reported in the Symfony guide works :(
However, I have a validation.yml
- Choice:
groups: [signUp]
callback: [User\UserBundle\Entity\Group, getRoles]
The entity Group.php
class Group
/** @var int */
private $id;
public static function GetRoles()
return ['admin', 'user'];
This example works fine but my issue comes when I try to get those values from the group repository GroupRepository.php
class GroupRepository extends EntityRepository
public function getRoles()
return $this->createQueryBuilder('r')
What am I supposed to do at this stage? Is the approach I used correct or should I call the Group Repository directly in the validation.yml
? Or am I totally way off?
As I understand it you are trying to get those options from the repository like:
callback: [User\UserBundle\Repository\GroupRepository, getRoles]
This won't work as the Repository needs to be initialized through the Doctrine ORM service.
I guess you have to create a custom Constraint class and ConstraintValidator where the later is configured as a service and gets the entity manager passed as argument.
See http://symfony.com/doc/current/validation/custom_constraint.html