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HQL Many to Many JOIN with extra columns

I have a many to many relationship in Hibernate with additional colums so I have an extra java class for the model and another class with the primary key... now in HQL I need a query that retrieve those data but I have problems with Join condition.

This is my First class:

@Table(name = "Firsts")
public class First {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private int id;
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "primaryKey.second")
    private List<FirstsSeconds> seconds = new LinkedList<>();
    private String description;

The Second class:

public class Second {
    private String code;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "primaryKey.first")
    private List<FirtsSeconds> firsts = new LinkedList<>();


And the table manyToMany with additional columns:

@Table(name = "firsts_seconds")
@AssociationOverrides({ @AssociationOverride(name = "primaryKey.first", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "id")),
        @AssociationOverride(name = "primaryKey.second", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "code")) })
public class FirstsSeconds{

    private FirstsSecondsId primaryKey = new FirstsSecondsId();

    @Column(name = "extra", nullable = false)
    private String extra;


So the id class:

public class FirstsSecondsId {

    private First first;
    private Second second;


Finally to get HQL result I create a new class with the field that I want: public class NewObject

public CargoOrder(String firstDescription, String fsExtra) {
    this.firstDescription = firstDescription;
    this.fsExtra = fsExtra;

First of all I want First descrption and extra from FirstsSecond, so this is my query with JOIN fr.seconds as fs:

@Query("SELECT new com.mypackage.NewObject("
        + "fr.description as firstDescription, fs.extra as fsExtra) "
        + "FROM First as fr"
        + "JOIN fr.seconds as fs")
public List<NewObject> findManyToMany();

But I have no results :(... in this case I have to specify the where condition?

@Query("SELECT new com.mypackage.NewObject("
        + "fr.description as firstDescription, fs.extra as fsExtra) "
        + "FROM First as fr"
        + "JOIN fr.seconds as fs WHERE fr.first = fs.primaryKey.first")
public List<NewObject> findManyToMany();

Thats not compile on JOIN fr.seconds as fs WHERE fr.first = fs.primaryKey.first...

Kind regards.


  • Solved... debugging with spring.jpa.show_sql = true in application-properties I see that there was a bad matching in the join condition, I mapped wrong keys:

    In First class it's primaryKey.first (not second):

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "primaryKey.first")
    private List<FirstsSeconds> seconds = new LinkedList<>();

    And in Second primaryKey.second (not first):

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "primaryKey.second")
    private List<FirstsSeconds> firsts = new LinkedList<>();