def guessing_game():Unit = {
println("Welcome to the guessing game!!")
val guess_count:Int = 0
val answer = Random.nextInt(50)
var guess_num ="Input your guess number > ").toInt
while(guess_num != answer || guess_count < 5){
====> guess_count += 1 // <==============================
var situation = if(guess_num > answer){"Your guess is higher!"}else{"Your guess is lower!"}
guess_num ="Input your guess number > ").toInt
if(guess_num == answer){
println("Congratulation....You win!!")
println("You hav run out of guess!")
I get this error:
Error:(16, 25) value += is not a member of Int
Expression does not convert to assignment because receiver is not assignable.
guess_count.toInt += 1
is immutable, (val
), you cannot change it. Use var
if you need to change the variable.