The Problem
I am creating a ASP.NET MVC web site and as the title say i am trying to send a POST request to a Web Api controller with jquery, but am always receiving a 404 error. The crazy thing is that in the .NET framework 4.5 the exact same thing worked, but in the .NET framework 4.6.2 it really doesn't. I have found a lot of threads in google explaining what it might go wrong, but none of these worked. So, here is my code now:
My Web Api controller:
public class CartController : ApiController
private ApplicationDbContext _context;
public CartController()
_context = new ApplicationDbContext();
public IHttpActionResult AddToCart(string productId)
if (!ModelState.IsValid || !ItemIsValid(productId))
return BadRequest();
var newCartItem = new ShoppingCartItem
ProductId = productId,
UserId = User.Identity.GetUserId()
return Ok();
private bool ItemIsValid(string productId)
return Enumerable.Any(_context.Products, contextproduct => contextproduct.Id.ToString() == productId && contextproduct.NumberAvailable > 0);
My jQuery code:
$(".buy-button").click(function() {
if (@User.Identity.IsAuthenticated.ToString().ToLower() === true) {
url: "/api/cart",
method: "POST",
data: $(this).next().val()
}).done(function() {
alert("Product succesfully added to cart!");
} else {
window.location.href = "@Url.Action("Login", "Account")";
My Global.asax code:
What i have tried
1) Some threads said that the order of the "calls" in the Global.asax matters, so i changed the position of RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes)
in every possible way.
2) Added Route Attributes in my Web Api action([Route("api/Cart/AddToCart")]) which i know from experience that is redundant and changed my jQuery code accordingly.
3) Instead of adding attributes, i added the Routes directly to the Web Api Config.
4) I also tried to call the Api with Postman
directly(i removed the Authorize attribute of course from the Web Api controller first).
Any help on this problem is appreciated. Thanks.
I know you talked about changing route config but as i dont know specifics have you tried mapping to action as well like
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
and then in ur ajax call
url: "api/Cart/AddToCart",
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json",
data: JSON.stringify($(this).next().val())
}).done(function() {
alert("Product succesfully added to cart!");
also if you would like to send productid there is one another way where you can assign that value to data-rowId attribute of button like
button type="button" value="Add to cart" data-RowId="@item.productID"
and in ur jquery get that value as
var productID = $(this).attr('data-RowId');
and pass it as
data: {productId : productID }
Assuming you have a item object and it has ProductID