Search code examples

Dynamically Generating Bind Variable Names

I have a data grid, in which I use dom-repeat to generate the columns.

<vaadin-grid-filter value=[[filterInput]] />
 <input value={{filterInput::input}} />

I bind the value used to filter a column with the value input into an input element.

My problem is each column binds to the same filterInput variable.

Is there any way I can bind using a variable for each specific column?

Could I somehow generate the binding variable for each column, e.g. filterInput[0], filterInput[1] etc. by using the index variable that comes with dom-repeat?


  • I make it working with an element.

    HTML template

    <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{technology}}">
        <input type="text" value="{{item.label::input}}">[[item.label]]<br/>

    Polymer Element

    technology : {
        type: Array,
        value: [
            {id:"php", label:"PHP", selected:false},
            {id:"js", label:"Javascript", selected:false},
            {id:"html", label:"HTML", selected:false},
            {id:"css", label:"CSS", selected:false},

    Full Polymer element

    <dom-module id="input-array-element">
            <h3>Inputs Array</h3>
            <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{technology}}">
                <input type="text" value="{{item.label::input}}">[[item.label]]<br/>
        class InputArrayElement extends Polymer.Element {
            static get is() { return 'input-array-element'; }
            static get properties() {
                return {
                    technology : {
                        type: Array,
                        value: [
                            {id:"php", label:"PHP", selected:false},
                            {id:"js", label:"Javascript", selected:false},
                            {id:"html", label:"HTML", selected:false},
                            {id:"css", label:"CSS", selected:false},
                        notify: true
            ready() {
                this.addEventListener("technology-changed", function(e){
        window.customElements.define(, InputArrayElement);        