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Is there a typical config or property file format and library in Haskell?

I need a set of key-value pairs for configuration read in from a file. I tried using show on a Data.Map and it doesn't look at all like what I want. It seems this is something many others might have already done so I'm wondering if there is a standard way to do it and what library to use.


    1. Go to hackage.
    2. Click on "packages"
    3. Search for "config".
    4. Notice ConfigFile(TH), EEConfig, and tconfig.
    5. Read the Haddock documentation
    6. Select a couple and implement your task.
    7. Blog about your findings so the rest of us can learn from your new found expertise (thanks!).

    EDIT: I've recently used configurator - which was easy enough. I suggest you try that one!

    (Yes, yes. If I took my own advice I would have made a blog for you all)