I want to know 3D points from stereo cameras using triangulatePoints
in Python 2.7 and OpenCV 3.3. For that, I calibrated stereo cameras and stored matrices in the folder. I also rectified my images using cv2.stereoRectify
and by using cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap
undistort the images. Then I saved those images as well as projection matrices P1 and P2 and find the corresponding point in both images. Point in left image ptl = np.array([304,277])
and corresponding point in right image ptr = np.array([255,277])
. After that I tried points = cv2.triangulatePoints(P1,P2,ptl,ptr)
. Code is:
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
cameraMatrixL = np.load('mtx_left.npy')
distCoeffsL = np.load('dist_left.npy')
cameraMatrixR = np.load('mtx_right.npy')
distCoeffsR = np.load('dist_right.npy')
R = np.load('R.npy')
T = np.load('T.npy')
# following matrices I saved which i got from stereoRectify
R1 = np.load('R1.npy')
R2 = np.load('R2.npy')
P1 = np.load('P1.npy')
P2 = np.load('P2.npy')
Q = np.load('Q.npy')
# upload alreday distorted and rectified images
imgL = cv2.imread('D:\python/triangulate in 3 D\left.png',0)
imgR = cv2.imread('D:\python/triangulate in 3 D/right.png',0)
ptl = np.array([304,277]) # point in left image
ptr = np.array([255,277]) # Corresponding point in right image
points = cv2.triangulatePoints(P1,P2,ptl,ptr)
print points
But when ever I run this code my results got changed (also all results are wrong). One time results look like
[[ 518845863]
[ 1667138857]
[ -661713]]
Another time results look like
[ 0]
[ 0]
Sometimes it looks like
[[ 0]
[ 0]
[ 0]]
I don't know why the results are changing even my all parameters are same only? Also, these 3D points are incorrect. How to correct these problems?
Edit: I observed one thing in this code, after running that it not get completed. It neither shows Process finished with exit code 0
nor Process finished with exit code 1
. when I pressed red stop button it finished with Process finished with exit code 1
. Why so? I think due to this only above error is coming. Why this code not running with Process finished with exit code 0
Finally, after so many tries I found out what mistake I was doing. Actually, I was defining my points in code in the wrong way. According to triangulatePoints document, points should be
projPoints1 – 2xN array of feature points in the first image.
But in code I wrote
ptl = np.array([304,277]) # point in left image
ptr = np.array([255,277]) # Corresponding point in right image
means I was defining 1x2
array while I should define 2x1
array for single point. likewise for 5 points array should be 2x5
. For N
points offcourse 2xN
. Initially, I didn't notice this because I used to do traingulation in Matlab and there corresponding points are used as Nx2 array.Now I put my points like
l = np.array([[ 304],[ 277]],dtype=np.float)
r = np.array([[ 255 ],[ 277]],dtype=np.float)
and I got above code working.
One more point dtype=np.float
is important in defining this point array to avoid wrong results.
Results what I got is not very accurate and shows error of nearly 20-25 mm but I solved above problem so I answer this question and now I have to find out the way to minimise errors. If anybody knows how to reduce error please tell me.