When pushing on my server the post-receive
hook runs a simple git clone
The command returns the following warning and I don't know what it means or how to resolve it. Googling the error gave only results concerning gitattributes and I haven't configured any attributes. My .gitignore file also has no exclamation marks or negative values inside.
remote: Cloning into '/var/www/html/gitrep'...
remote: warning: Negative patterns are ignored in git attributes
remote: Use '\!' for literal leading exclamation.
Do not mix gitignore and gitattributes.
One of your gitattributes file use a negative pattern that is not allowed.
Search for one of those files:
inside any folder of your repository$GIT_DIR/info/attributes
$(git config --get core.attributesFile)
One of them use a negative pattern. You just need to fix it (by adapting your gitattributes model or escaping the exclamation point)