Giving the code
class Test {
static function main() {
var i = 1;
trace(m('some before $i some after')); // some before 1 some after
static macro function m(e: haxe.macro.Expr)
trace(e); // { expr => EConst(CString(some before $i some after)), pos => #pos(Test.hx:4: characters 12-39) }
// trace the name of referenced var
return macro $e;
what should I place in commented out code to trace()
the name of the variable used inside an interpolated String
expression without manual parsing of the string constant?
What you want is formatString
class Test {
#if !macro
static function main() {
var i = 1;
trace(m('some before $i some after')); // some before 1 some after
static macro function m(e: haxe.macro.Expr)
switch e.expr {
case EConst(CString(s)):
trace(haxe.macro.MacroStringTools.formatString(s, e.pos));
return e;