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Macro and String interpolation variables

Giving the code

class Test {
  static function main() {
    var i = 1;
    trace(m('some before $i some after')); // some before 1 some after

  static macro function m(e: haxe.macro.Expr)
    trace(e); // { expr => EConst(CString(some before $i some after)), pos => #pos(Test.hx:4: characters 12-39) }

    // trace the name of referenced var

    return macro $e;

what should I place in commented out code to trace() the name of the variable used inside an interpolated String expression without manual parsing of the string constant?


  • What you want is formatString:

    class Test {
      #if !macro
      static function main() {
        var i = 1;
        trace(m('some before $i some after')); // some before 1 some after
      static macro function m(e: haxe.macro.Expr)
        switch e.expr {
          case EConst(CString(s)):
            trace(haxe.macro.MacroStringTools.formatString(s, e.pos));
        return e; 