currently my output is displaying selected values from pickerview inside textfields.
now my question is i want to access all these values on submit button and want to display in another view controller how to do this?. let me explain my scenario my first vc is set as collectionview from one of the collectionviewcell m redirecting to this page.
Note: i already know that how to pass data between two view controller. but its not working in my case.Please Help.
@IBAction func StaffAtten_Action(_ sender: Any) {
// let secondVC = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "StaffAttendence_SecondPage") as! StaffAttendence_SecondPage
// secondVC.a = active_text.text!
// secondVC.b = active_text.text!
// secondVC.c = active_text.text!
// secondVC.savedata.append(year.text!)
// secondVC.savedata.append(month.text!)
// secondVC.savedata.append(institute.text!)
The problem that you are having is that you are instantiating a brand new VC and passing data to it. The VC that is actually presented is not the one you created.
Since you have a segue connecting the two VCs, override prepare(for:sender:)
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if let vc = segue.destination as? StaffAttendence_SecondPage {
vc.a = ...
vc.b = ...
// pass the rest of the data here...