I would like to calculate the difference between two time-sets. I can do this, but I only get the difference in decimals and I would like to know how to convert them to format as in "Minutes:Second".
So, I have the minutes and the seconds as characters:
video_begin <- c("8:14", "4:47", "8:27", "4:59", "4:57", "7:51", "6:11", "5:30")
video_end <- c("39:08", "47:10", "49:51", "44:31", "39:41", "47:12", "40:13", "46:52")
I convert them into time values with as.POSIXct, make a df and add the difference as a third column, easy peasy...
video_begin <- as.POSIXct(video_begin, format = "%M:%S")
video_end <- as.POSIXct(video_end, format = "%M:%S")
video <- data.frame(video_begin, video_end)
video$video_duration <- video_end - video_begin
And this is what I get for video
video_begin video_end video_duration
1 2017-09-12 00:08:14 2017-09-12 00:39:08 30.90000 mins
2 2017-09-12 00:04:47 2017-09-12 00:47:10 42.38333 mins
3 2017-09-12 00:08:27 2017-09-12 00:49:51 41.40000 mins
4 2017-09-12 00:04:59 2017-09-12 00:44:31 39.53333 mins
5 2017-09-12 00:04:57 2017-09-12 00:39:41 34.73333 mins
6 2017-09-12 00:07:51 2017-09-12 00:47:12 39.35000 mins
7 2017-09-12 00:06:11 2017-09-12 00:40:13 34.03333 mins
8 2017-09-12 00:05:30 2017-09-12 00:46:52 41.36667 mins
How do I change the format of video$video_duration
from decimal to the same format as in video$video_begin
and video$video_end
: "Minutes:Seconds" (I don't care about day, month, year and hour)?
I tried:
video$video_duration <- as.POSIXct(video$video_duration, format = "%M:%S")
strptime(video$video_duration, format="%M:%S")
but nah...
I found some answers but I'm not very satisfied with them:
How convert decimal to POSIX time
Algorithm to convert Text time to Decimal Time
Isn't there a more... handy and easier way to do it?
Another option:
video$video_duration <- as.numeric(video_end - video_begin, units = "secs")
video$video_duration <- seconds_to_period(video$video_duration)
video_begin video_end video_duration
1 2017-09-12 00:08:14 2017-09-12 00:39:08 30M 54S
2 2017-09-12 00:04:47 2017-09-12 00:47:10 42M 23S
3 2017-09-12 00:08:27 2017-09-12 00:49:51 41M 24S
4 2017-09-12 00:04:59 2017-09-12 00:44:31 39M 32S
5 2017-09-12 00:04:57 2017-09-12 00:39:41 34M 44S
6 2017-09-12 00:07:51 2017-09-12 00:47:12 39M 21S
7 2017-09-12 00:06:11 2017-09-12 00:40:13 34M 2S
8 2017-09-12 00:05:30 2017-09-12 00:46:52 41M 22S