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Application Insights Extract Nested CustomDimensions

I have some data in Application Insights Analytics that has a dynamic object as a property of custom dimensions. For example:

|        timestamp        |  name   | customDimensions                 | etc |
| 2017-09-11T19:56:20.000 | Spinner | {                                | ... |
                                         MyCustomDimension: "hi"
                                             context: "ABC"
                                             userMessage: "Some other"

Does that make sense? So a key/value pair inside of customDimensions.

I'm trying to bring up the context property to be a proper column in the results. So expected would be :

|        timestamp        |  name   | customDimensions                 | context| etc |
| 2017-09-11T19:56:20.000 | Spinner | {                                | ABC    | ...
                                         MyCustomDimension: "hi"
                                             context: "ABC"
                                             userMessage: "Some other"

I've tried this:

customEvents | where name == "Spinner" | extend Context = customDimensions.Properties["context"]

and this:

customEvents | where name == "Spinner"  | extend Context = customDimensions.Properties.context

but neither seem to work. They give me a column at the end named "Context" but the column is empty - no values.

Any ideas?


Added a picture for clarifying the format of the data:

Application Insights Data


  • edited to working answer:

     | where name == "Spinner"
     | extend Properties = todynamic(tostring(customDimensions.Properties))
     | extend Context = Properties.context

    you need an extra tostring and todynamic in here to get what you expect (and what i expected!)

    the explanation i was given:

    Dynamic field "promises" you the upper/outer level of key / value access (this is how you access customDimensions.Properties).

    Accessing internal structure of that json depends on the exact format of customDimensions.Properties content. It doesn’t have to be json by itself. Even if it looks like a well structured json, it still may be just a string that is not exactly well formatted json.

    So basically, it by default won't attempt to parse strings inside of a dynamic/json block because they don't want to spend a lot of time possibly trying and failing to convert nested content to json infinitely.

    I still think that extra tostring shouldn't be required inside there, since todynamic should already be allowing both string and dynamic in validly, so i'm checking to see if the team that owns the query stuff can make that step better.