I have scalatest codes like following:
class myTest extends FlatSpec with ParallelTestExecution {
val testSuiteId: String = GenerateSomeRandomId()
it should "print test id" in {
it should "print test id again" in {
The two tests cannot print the testSuiteId I generate before them. Instead they regenerate the ID and print it. I understand that because of ParallelTestExecution which extends OneInstancePerTest, each test here runs on its own instance and have a copy of the variable "testSuiteId".
But I do want a fixed Id for this test suite and each test case in this suite have access to this fixed it without modifying it. I tried to create the fixed id in BeforeAll{ } but still it didn't work.
How should I achieve what I want?
One way to work around it would be to put the shared state in some sort of external object:
object SuiteId {
lazy val id: String = GenerateSomeRandomId()
Admittedly this is very much a hack, and I wouldn't be surprised if scalatest has a way to handle this built-in which I am unaware of.