Search code examples

Can't remove trailing spaces

I'm trying to remove trailing spaces without success:

select trim(trailing ' ' from '1234                       '), '56' from sysibm.sysdummy1;
1                           2 
--------------------------- --
1234                        56

What am I missing?


  • It is documented that trim will leave the data type as is - check out the Knowledge Center

    describe "select trim( '1234                       '), '56' from sysibm.sysdummy1"
     Column Information
     Number of columns: 2
     SQL type              Type length  Column name                     Name length
     --------------------  -----------  ------------------------------  -----------
     448   VARCHAR                  27  1                                         1
     448   VARCHAR                   2  2                                         1

    If you want to change the look / data type of the result you can cast it to the length or data type you need

    select varchar(trim( '1234                       '), 5), '56' from sysibm.sysdummy1"
    1     2
    ----- --  
    1234  56
    1 record(s) selected.