I am using sklearn DBSCAN to cluster my data as follows.
#Apply DBSCAN (sims == my data as list of lists)
db1 = DBSCAN(min_samples=1, metric='precomputed').fit(sims)
db1_labels = db1.labels_
db1n_clusters_ = len(set(db1_labels)) - (1 if -1 in db1_labels else 0)
#Returns the number of clusters (E.g., 10 clusters)
print('Estimated number of clusters: %d' % db1n_clusters_)
Now I want to get the top 3 clusters sorted from the size (number of data points in each cluster). Please let me know how to obtain the cluster size in sklearn?
Another option would be to use numpy.unique
db1_labels = db1.labels_
labels, counts = np.unique(db1_labels[db1_labels>=0], return_counts=True)
print labels[np.argsort(-counts)[:3]]